News 2010 from Zalazar Cairn Terrier

New Champion

1212crispy.jpgZalazar Copyright won BOB and last CAC in Riga, LatviaNow
"Crispy" is lvch lv jch by jch est jch lt jch balt jch
"Crispy" is owned by Inga Millere.

See more photos here


Zalazar Vanilla - CACIB

1205vanilla.jpgINTERNATIONAL DOG SHOW CACIB-FCI "CUP 0F PRESIDENT RKF", Saint-Petersburg, Russia

National Specialty

1010danica.jpgAt the prestigious CTCA National Specialty - Montgomery County Kennel Club, Walker daughter DUFDON'S DOUBLE CLUTCH (Ch Zalazar Walk The Line - Ch Dufdon's Penelope Pitstop) went reserve winners bitch in an entry of 53 bitches. She was entered in the 9-12 mo. puppy class. 
Owner/Breeder: Suzanne LaMariana.

Aloha - 2 x Best in Show

1002bis1.jpgAloha! Great news from Hawaii where Suzee has been visiting Lisa Dangelmaier & Paul Pikini. This weekend at Windward Hawaiian Dog Fanciers Association - All Breed shows, Suzee showed "Cash" Ch Yellowbrickroad Wring of Fire to BEST IN SHOW both saturday and sunday. Cash is owned by Lisa & Paul and is out of Ch Zalazar Walk The Line & Ch Zalazar Koh-I-Noor.

Thyra went Best Bitch in Finland

0905thyra-bim.jpg Sunday Zalazar Hard To Get (Thyra) went Best Bitch and BOS in Liminka, Finland
Judge: Liliane De Ridder-Onghena
Thyra is 7 years old and owned by Susanne Känsäkangas
BOB Courtney´s Mr Hearthbreaker
See all results here

Saturday Thyra went 2. Best Bitch, also in Liminka, Finland

Debut for Enjoy in Germany

0904enjoy.jpg04.09.2010    OG Ostholstein
Richter: Monika Blaha/A
Rüden Jugendklasse
Zalazar Enjoy  (Zalazar On the Road x Zalazar Ginger Spice)
Owner: Renate Lück & Bärbel Damouche

"14 month old, very good type, very good pigment, well set and carried ears, very good neck and topline, cheast proportion according to the age, correctly angulated, very good coat, very beautiful gait."

05.09.2010    LG Nord
Richter: Hans Erhard Grüttner
V 2 Res.Jgd CAC KfT+VDH
Zalazar Enjoy (Zalazar On the Road x Zalazar Ginger Spice)
Owner: Renate Lück & Bärbel Damouche

Walker is back home

0901walker.jpgWalker made his 6. Journey in his 3 years of living over the Alantic ocean in grand style and he is now back home with Suzee and his kennel mate.

This photo is taken on his last day in Denmark in Dragør, a small town near Copenhagen.

Uzi wins his 6.CC in England

0821uzi.jpgMary and "Uzi" Ch Zalazar UnZipped! At Starveren took their 6.CC at Welsh K.C. Championship Show today. 
Judge was Stuart Plane. Bitch CC & BOB Larchlea Spirit In The Sky
Photos: Alan Firth, Reinier Goud & Graham Peers
See all results at MCTC website

Thyra went Best Bitch in Finland

0814thyra-bim.jpg Zalazar Hard To Get (Thyra) went Best Bitch and BOS in Finland
Judge: Tarmo Viirtelä
Thyra is 7 years old and owned by Susanne Känsäkangas
BOB Courtney´s Mr Hearthbreaker
Photo: Timo Polsa ja Mika Huolman
See all results here

Zalazar Goes Crazy has left to her new home in Estonia


Ellen came to pick her up and bring her to Tallinn.
Ummh that was tasty, she liked Ellen's "pick-me-up" smoothie from Joe & The Juice


Meeting Anu in Tallinn and having a sip of water ;o)

Now she is known by the name ¨Irma¨ and was at her first dog show to cheer for Ryder, the super nice Welsh she will share the household with.

Hey! here he is , GO Ryder - Go Ryder !  ........... and the judge is our own Ingrid Borchorst from Denmark.
Good luck to Anu & Irma, we hope that she will live up to fulfill your dreams, hopes and expectations!


World Dog Show

Der har været afholdt Verdensudstilling i Danmark 24/6- 27/6 og i den forbindelse blev der også afholdt en Cairn Terrier certifikat udstilling og en World Terrier Festival. Torsdag d.24/6 hentede vi Mary Middlehurst i Århus lufthavn, hvorefter vi kørte til Danparc Søhøjlandet's feriecenter, hvor vi skulle bo sammen med Inge & John, Ane & Hellemai.  Der var rigtig mange Cairn- og andre hundefolk som boede der. Vi medbragte Jean Claude, Walker & Donna. Første aften var incl 2x familiepizza, som jeg hentede sammen med Mary.  Det var et rigtig dejligt hus; 4 soveværelser & 2 badeværelser, det ene med sauna & spa ;o)

Fredag morgen stod vi meget tidligt op for at køre til Herning, hvor selve verdenudstillingen foregik. Vi var forberedte på lange køer og kaos, men vi blev meget postiv overrasket over, hvor nemt og smertefrit det var at parkere og komme ind. Hal M, som vi skulle være i, var stor og luftig med god plads og fine røde tæpper i ringene.
Jean Claude var første hund i ringen og han fik Excellent og var med i første "cut", gjorde sig godt, men blev ikke placeret. Der var 18 Champion hanner. Så var det blevet Walker's tur og han endte med en flot placering som no. 4 ud af 35 i Åben klasse hanner. Donna skulle i ringen ved siden af, og da det koliderede med Walker, var Hellemai var sød at vise hende. Donna fik Very Good.
Mairi McNeil og Molly / Zalazar Donna Dolores fik en flot placering som no.3 ud af 24  Juniorklasse tæver.

Tilbage fra udstillingen nød vi Margaritas på Terrassen i solen. Mary & jeg gik en dejlig tur med hundene og da John (som arbejdede som ring assistent i Herning) kom hjem, gik vi op på golfresturanten, hvor vi have bestilt bord. Sikke noget lækkert mad vi fik der. Der var en lettere løftet stemning i resturanten, da flere og flere cairn folk dukkede op. Dejlig aften sammen med dejlige mennesker.
Jeg gik lidt før de andre for at mødes med Johanna, ,Judith og deres 3 hunde. Mest glad var jeg jo for at hilse på Kenny som med løs hånd uddelte sine berømte kys ;o) Solnedgangen var helt fantastisk og lignede en kæmpe ildebrand.

Lørdagens Cairn Terrier udstilling blev afholdt i Bording.. Det var hundekoldt fra morgenstunden med en isende vind........
I dag var der hele 3 ringe at forholde sig til......heldigvis skulle vi kun udstille i ring 2 under Jens Martin Hansen, idet vi kun havde 2 champion hanner og én mellem klasse tæve. Walker var ikke tilmeldt, da vores oprindelige dommer havde henstillet til at han ikke blev tilmeldt. Så i stedet havde vi tilmeldt Roadie. Hellemai gik med Roadie og jeg gik med Jean Claude. Begge fik Excellent og Jean Claude blev trukket ud i første omgang. Udover Molly i junior klasse blev også Thyra (ch Zalazar Hard To Get) udstillet og fik også Excellent. Vi stillede også en avlsklasse efter Jean Claude, og da der vist ikke var helt styr på tingene og der vist senere kom endnu en avlsklasse, vides det iikke hvem der blev placeret hvad .......

Lørdag aften afholdte Cairn gruppen en middag for alle, som havde tilmeldt en hund, andre kunne købe madbilletter. Det var blevet en rigtig dejlig aften, solrig og varm. Maden var rigtig fin og det var selskabet også. Jeg blev interviewet til Russisk Cairn Terrier gruppe. Det var en dejlig aften hvor der desværre ikke var tid nok til at få talt med mange af dem som man gerne ville have talt med ;-(
Søndag morgen stod vi op til en fantastisk flot dag . Alt skulle pakkes sammen, da vi jo ikke skulle tilbage til hytten.
Dagens udstilling blev afholdt af Dansk Terrier Klub i Hedensted . Vi var udendørs og i 2 ringe, han & tæve. Deltager gaven fra DTK var rigtig flot og lækker, en lille pin med et Cairn hoved.
Igen var det Jean Claude, Walker & Donna, som skulle udstilles. Alle 3 fik Excellent og Jean Claude blev placeret som no.3 i Champion klasse.
Zalazar Donna Dolores & Mairi gjorde det super flot med at vinde junior klassen. Senere blev hun BIR junior og sidst på eftermiddagen endda BIS 4 Junior.
En af Roadie's norske døtre havde også en super dag og endte som BIK 4 i hård konkurrence med rigtig mange andre skønne tæver.
Vi blev og så alle de afsluttende konkurrencer bl.a. Mairi & Molly i BIS Junior. BIS blev også en Cairn nemlig Verdensvinder 2010 Hjohoo's Hjo're The Love Of My Life.
Så var det blevet tid til at sige farvel........ Peter Nielsen ville køre Mary til Århus hvorfra hun skulle rejse fra næste dag. VI kørte hjem mod Tommerup og kom sædvanligt hjem til glade velpassede hunde, et rent hus og kaffe på kanden. Tusinde tak til Gerda & Louise!

New International Champion

Zalazar Special Agent K9 went BOB with CACIB at Latvia International Dog Show.
Dommer: Brigita Kremser

Kenny, who is owned by Johanna Pulkinen in Finland, now has the following titles: ltjch eejch ltch estch rusch intch

Zalazar Copyright

zalazarcopyright.jpgShow results for Zalazar Copyright

Latvia, Valmiera
National dog show in Valmiera
Junior kl
Ekaterina Bauzhes (RUS)
JCAC, PP, 1Exc., BOB

Latvia, Riga
FCI 3. group exhibition
Junior kl
Rade Dakic-Kica (SRB)

Belarus, Minsk
Junior kl
Galina Pozniakova  (BY)
JCAC, 1 Exc., BOB

Belarus, Minsk
Junior kl
Latvian Junior Champion og Belarus Junior Champion
Tamara Sarmont (BY)
JCAC, 1 Exc.

Uzi went BOB and took his 5. CC in England

0507uzi-bir.jpgAt Birmingham National Championship Show  Zalazar Un Zipped! At Starveren went BOB and took his 5th 5 CC. Uzi is owned by Mary Middlehurst
Photo shows Mary and Uzi together with judge Phil Roberts and BOS Cloverbrook Cream O'the Crop At Eborvale
Photo: Graham Peers
See all the results at MCTC's website

Judge Phil Roberts about Uzi: "Lovely red with dark points. Superb double coat. Good head with excellent ear placing, best of length of neck,  good straight front legs, level top line held on the move. Excellent tail set. Showed well throughout. CC & BOB Later, I was very pleased to hear he had been short listed in the Terrier Group"

Uzi wins his 4.CC in England

Zalazar UnZipped! At StarverenAt National Terrier Championship Show in England Zalazar UnZipped! At Starveren won his 4.CC

Photo shows judge Dawn Inett with Uzi and BOB Larchlea Spirit In The Sky.
Photo: Alan Firth

Judge Dawn Inett about Uzi:

"I wrote in my notes “superb” and I think that just about sums him up.  Yes, he needs to be a little longer in the loin for perfection but other than this you are presented with the breed standard.  He has a wonderful head with correct ears and eye, lovely teeth and strong jaw, correct length of neck flowing into well placed shoulders, level topline which he holds on the move, correct rear movement with just enough drive. Lovely tail, set on correctly. A pleasure to award him the CC."

See results and photos at Midland Cairn Terrier Club's website


Zalazar Un Zipped! At Starveren wins BOB at Crufts 2010


Zalazar Un Zipped! At Starveren wins at Crufts 2010 in Birmingham. He also got his 3. CC and is now English Champion. "Uzi" is owned, handled & loved by Mary Middlehurst.
Judge: Sue Dolan, GB.
Entries: 165 Cairn Terriers

"Middlehurst’s Zalazar Un Zipped! At Starveren (IMP DNK), red of excellent quality. Well proportioned head with a broad skull, wide bite and good teeth, good dark eye, straight front with strong feet and excellent bone, good length of neck flowing into clean shoulders, level topline which he kept on the move, tail well set.
Well balanced with a lovely outline. Moved with drive around the ring and never gave up showing. Immaculately presented. I judged this dog as a youngster and he has matured well. Delighted to award him Dog C.C. and B.O.B."

Last years winner at Crufts, Zalazar Walk The Line went no.4 in a very competitive Open Class.

Some of Uzi's offspring did very well:
Cannwood Zipper At Thackeston went no.2 i Post Graduate Dog
Winetta My Kind Of Girl went no.2 i Special Junior Bitch
Brenndarcy Virginia Plain went no.4 i Special Junior Bitch

Photo at top shows Uzi at the group judging by Jack Watson, GB.
See results and photos at Midland Cairn Terrier Club's website

Below are some videos found on YouTube.
Thanks to 

Best in Show Hawaii

0215biswringoffire.jpg.jpgCongratulations to Lisa & Paul who won BEST IN SHOW at the Hilo Show, Hawaii under judge Donna Buxton with CH YellowBrickRoad Wring of Fire, who is a son of ch Zalazar Walk The Line & Ch Zalazar Koh-I-Noor

BIS CH YellowBrickRoad Wring of Fire
AKC Reg#: RN16372201
DOB: 2/4/2008
Owner: Lisa Dangelmaier, Paul Pikini, & Suzee Bidegain

Zalazar Yahoo 1.9.2000 - 28.1.2010

ringo-gibraltar.jpgdkch bwsg03 besg04 finch dchvdh gbzch intch ltch lvch lvw06 luxch estch btw06 baltch dchklb pw07 usch ptch sich
Zalazar Yahoo
01.09.2000 - 28.01.2010.

Thursday 28th Jan 2010, we got a very very sad phone call ........ Ringo was no more! 
It turned out that he was incurably ill with cancer and Ghita had to take the hardest, but the right decision to put him to sleep. We were informed that Ringo was sick, but it was only after investigation by the Agricultural University, that the diagnosis was made. 
Ringo was born in a litter of 4 puppies, 2 of each sex. Father is ch ¨ Tam O'SHANTER's In The Nick Of Time ¨ with whom Ringo came to share his life, and he is fortunatly still in fine form. His mother Zalazar Special Edition was, in addition to Y-litter, also the mother of our W-litter, before she moved to Ireland. 
We kept Zalazar Yummy Yummy, who is the mother of our ch Zalazar La Belle. Ringo was fortunately the father of several puppies, including ¨ Sweet Beauty Keswich Codlin , which has already done well in the ring. Although we did not manage to use Ringo in our breeding ....... we did try several times, unfortunately without success.
Ghita and Ringo had a fantastic collaboration when they were in the ring and they have been on a lot of traveling together. All these tours and exhibitions have led to Ringo being the Cairn Terrier who has the most registered national championships in addition to various sieger and winning titles. 
We send Ringo's owners our warmest thoughts and thanks to Ringo having a good life among people who loved him.

Moldavian Champion

0206vanilla-moldova.jpgCongratulations Tanya with another champion title for Zalazar Vanilla

Vanilla has been at dog show in Moldavia with the following results:

6/02/2010- excellent, CAC, Moldavian Champion 
Judge - Marit Sunde

7/02/2010 - excellent, CAC, CACIB, BOB
Judge - Petru Muntean (Romania)

"Terrier Show "- excellent, CAC, BOB
Judge - Stefanescu Cristian (Romania)

Zalazar Walk The Line No.1 in USA

Zalazar Walk The Line No.1 in USAThe 2009 Top Ten Cairn Terrier based on Group points

1 CH Zalazar Walk The Line 0 1 2 3 3 1328  S Bidegain
2 CH Terriwood Mojo 0 1 3 6 2 1261  B Doyle/N Lentgis/K Godwin/T Godwin
3 CH Winsome Fergus Macflynn 0 3 10 7 4 1122  K Lake
4 CH Dogwood Love Affair 0 0 1 6 11 1115  P Davis
5 CH Caledonian In-For-A-Penny Of Wolfpit 0 2 0 8 4 850  V Malzoni
6 CH Kiowa Mmdw Driving Miss Daisy 0 3 1 2 3 679  S McAlpin/P Hassey/B Fykerud
7 CH Stonehaven Casting Crowns 0 1 4 2 3 533  R Balcerak
8 CH Stonehaven Lord Of The Rings 0 1 1 7 5 511  C Burleson/L Harpel
9 CH Kyleakin Dees Darling 0 1 0 3 2 331  L Wubbel/C Wubbel
10 CH Hampton Court’s Ashley 0 0 1 0 1 326  V Malzoni

THE DOG NEWS TOP TEN LIST is a monthly listing of the Top Ten Dogs All Breeds and the Top Ten Dogs in each Group. There is also a listing of the Top Ten Dogs in Each Breed. All of these statistics are based on All Breed competition.
The American Kennel Club compiles these figures from the AKC licensed and member club shows. These figures will be printed monthly in DOG NEWS by Annual Awards Rating System.
The Dog News Top Ten List lists Best In Shows, Group Firsts and ALL Group Placements .

2 x BOB

0117xantia.jpgNorsk Berner Sennenhundklubb, Letohallen.
At Roadie's childrens 1-year birthday Wind Line's Hit The Road (Xantia) won first CC and was BOB, BIG4.
Her brother Wind Line's Thunder Road was 2ndbest dog.
Judge: Denis Kuzelj, Bulgaria.

0117vanilla-son.jpgIn Russia Zalazar Vanilla was at the first exhibition on January 17 and her result was really good. She was Winner of the Terrier Union of Russia, BOB.under judge - Galiaskarova
Her son Alekta Prima Geng Original Glory was BOB puppy
Alekta Prima Balissa (Zalazar Yahoo x Lu-Lu koket) - Excellent.